Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama’s Vision

Ever since I heard Senator Obama’s speeches, checked into his background, and political beginnings I knew where he will take this country if he ascends to the White House. I have warned on my blog, articles in various outlets, and many article comments that this man will plunge us into a socialist abyss that this country, as great as it is, might never be able to climb out of.

His (armed) National Civilian Security Force (reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts) while dismantling our military, desire to punish individual success (a communist pension), and threats to those who oppose him are things for us all to fear. He forbade his surrogates to debate Larry Greenfield and any other Republican Jewish Coalition member (because he knows that Obama’s platform is full of holes), kicked the reporters, covering his campaign, from the Washington Times and others who endorsed Senator McCain off his plane, and has people working for him like those who sick the Secrete Service on citizens who oppose him.

This is a man who had contempt for the American Spirit that made this country great. He will shred our Constitution and replace it with a Marxist manifesto. Do not trust this man. The people of Cuba trusted a man who promised Change and Hope. The change was to poverty and the hope now is for a better life with individual liberty and freedom.

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