Saturday, April 25, 2009

Republican Action Alert

In order to return credibility to the Republican Party and the conservative cause we need to clean house, remember our values, and stick to them. We lost the leadership role in America because we wavered from our roots, became schizophrenic with our message, and disappointed and confused Americans. This country is in great danger of becoming a third world socialist republic. We must take decisive action to stop the demise of our great nation.

We need to get rid of Republican office holders that are not true to small and un-intrusive government, fail to insist on fiscal responsibility, and are more interested in promoting own career to serving the people. Obama is continuing to campaign for his socialist vision of America. The RNC and all state Republican Parties need to counter his propaganda. The party leaders must stop sugar coating its rebuttals to assertions of the Democrats, Left Wing Liberals, and others destroying America.

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