Friday, August 14, 2009

The Latest Re-Distribution of Wealth Scheme

There is a new position at the FCC. It has been filled by a man who has a plan to really kill free speech radio. His plan is to force private radio stations to pay the FCC an equal amount of their total operating costs. This means that private radio stations with highly paid hosts, such as Rush, Sean, and others, will have to pay the FCC the same amount they them plus all other costs.

This money is to fund “public radio stations” that will spew the leftist points of view. If these private radio stations do not pay this “fee”, they could lose their license to operate. Then the FCC can give that license to whom ever.

This is outrageous. It ‘is the same as if the labor or commerce department demanded Ford Motor Company to pay a fee equal to Ford's costs to manufacture cars so that the government could fund a competing car company.

This bears watching very closely. It is a dangerous attempt to control more of the radio waves and just one major step towards a socialistic dictatorship. If this happens we will not hear points of view such as Mark Levin’s, Rush’s or other’s.

To save our freedom of choice and protect liberties that have been secured by the founders of this once great country, we must act to replace the make up of the administration and congress. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Get busy and save our country. Investigate and vet new candidates and then work to elect the right ones

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