Sunday, August 29, 2010

The government wants to take over more land

This summer, the National Park Service initiated a new "special resource study" of the Rim of the Valley Corridor surrounding the San Fernando, La Crescenta, Santa Clarita, Simi and Conejos Valleys in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties of southern California.

The Rim of the Valley Corridor study's purpose is to determine whether any portion of the study area is eligible to be designated as a unit of the national park system or added to an existing national park such as the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. The study will also explore other ways that private or governmental entities can protect resources and provide more outdoor recreation opportunities.

Sure sounds nice, doesn’t it? More parks that the state cannot afford to maintain. The state is closing parks and recreation areas. This preserves the land for what, the park rangers? People who have cabins in those areas don’t want you, me, or anyone else to enjoy a cabin like they do, so they start movements to “preserve nature”. They have theirs and the rest of us can go to hell. Before I bought the house in Saugus, there were only fields and trees there. As my and other newly built houses were occupied, people started petitions to not allow any other developments in adjoining areas. We got ours, the hell with everyone else.

The US government owns more of this county’s land than the people do. 80% of Utah is owned by the Feds. The more land that a government owns (federal, state, or local), the less land there is for the people. This will force the people to live in overcrowded cities, using “public” transportation because the streets and highways are not maintained properly (and not enough of them). The more we depend on a government entity the more they will charge us for “what they provide”. There are ways to preserve most of nature without having the government take over.

Our governments (Fed. State, and local) should be concerned with improving the economy and not dreaming up new restrictions and entities to enforce them. I got an email from Fran Pavley bragging about all the bills she and the legislature passed or were working on. None of them had anything to do with helping the economy. On the contrary, they were increasing the size of government and costs to run it.

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