Thursday, January 6, 2011

The National Education Association of the United States and the Federal Department of Education must go

The National Education Association of the United States and the Democrat Party has announced its true intention without any masking. They have told us blatantly, it is control over the lives of future generations, even more so than they already have. We have been told that they intend to do the same thing that Hitler did by instituting his Hitler Youth movement and the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.

While Obama’s children are attending a private school, this administration ended the voucher program for all other children in DC. While the public schools are not good enough for their children, they have denied a better education for children of middle and low income families. They are determined to brainwash our children with Marxist propaganda, something they can’t do to the kids attending schools that concentrate on basic education; math, science, literature, and true history.

What has single-payer socialized medicine, immigration “reform”, a Cesar Chavez national holiday, special rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, special rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, abortion on demand, affirmative action, repeal of right to world laws, got to do with basic education? Nothing but these and many other things that have nothing to with education are all part of the agenda of the NEA of US.

Their goal is to prepare our children for a social paradise and a Marxist dictatorship. We must resist their efforts of enslaving future citizens of this once great country. The NEA must be declared a subversive organization with the intent of destruction of America as we know it.

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