Thursday, January 28, 2016

Limbaugh: Heartland country doesn't consider Fox News a conservative network anymore

The average American no longer thinks of Fox News as a genuinely conservative news network, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said this week.
"Folks, I want to let you in on another observation of mine … virtually everybody thinks of Fox News as a conservative network," he said Wednesday. "[But] I'm here to tell you: Fox News is not considered the conservative network that it used to be."
"I'm not trying to stir anything up here. I'm saying that when you hear the media, who are all leftists, talk about Fox News, it may as well be the John Birch Society as far as they're concerned," he added, referring to an old right-wing fringe group from the 1950s. "That's why they hate it. It may as well be the Birchers. It may as well be whatever evil right-wing organization. That's what they think it is. But you go out to the heartland of this country, and it's not so much."
Limbaugh explained that people in the heartland have long questioned the network's conservative credentials over its tendency to host left-leaning guests, including reporters from the New York Times and the Washington Post.
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"This is what people are saying out there that I hear. Now, the identity is still pretty obviously heavily tilted to news and analysis that you don't get anywhere else, and that remains true," he added. "I'm just telling you people's perceptions as they share them with me. I'll tell you what I think, because I find it amazing."
"It's just more evidence of the media being out of touch and not really knowing what people say," he added.
His remarks come on the heels of the latest dust-up between Fox's Megyn Kelly and GOP front-runner Donald Trump, who Limbaugh has praised constantly during the 2016 primary.
Limbaugh explained that Trump has been masterful in exploiting the media's tendency of being "out of touch."
"Trump is so far outside this game, he's so far outside the rules, he's never been a player in this game. He's always been an outsider. I heard people on Fox last night talking about this. 'Who does he think he is? He can't control the media,'" he said.
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"I got news for you: He is controlling the media, and it's his objective. He is controlling the media. He controls the media when he's not on it. He controls the media when he is on it. He controls the media when he's asleep. Nobody else has been able to do anything like this short of the Kennedys, and they're pikers compared to the way Trump is doing this," he added.
This article's headline has been updated.

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