Saturday, January 16, 2016

Secretary Of Defense Just Inadvertently Revealed Obama Admin Led IRAN Directly To U.S. Sailors For Capture

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The moment reports started coming in about 10 American sailors captured by Iran the facts seemed very fuzzy. Next we find out that the Obama admin was apologizing to Iran but this new revelation by Secretary of Defense is almost too much to bear...

Now comes the disturbing revelation, apparently delivered by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, that the Obama administration tipped off the Iranians that our soldiers were lost at sea and requested their aid.
 The news came from Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, during an interview on TheBlaze’s Dana Loesch shortly after Iran’s arrest of the sailors had come to light.

 “I understand that (Secretary of State) John Kerry has indicated, look, when he got word, he and Ash Carter called the Iranians to help take care of our Navy guys, because they had some mechanical problems,” Gohmert said.I’ll give you a second to pick your jaw off the floor. “When our Navy ships have problems, we don’t call Iran. We call the rest of the Navy. We can call the Air Force, the Army, the Marines, Coast Guard. We don’t call Iran,” Gohmert said.

 He also took a swipe at Kerry’s closeness with Iranian officials, noting how the former Democrat presidential nominee had the son of Iran’s foreign minister as the best man at his daughter’s wedding.
“But I guess, you know, if you have relatives that have weddings that involve the people that are in charge in Iran, well, maybe you feel that comfortable,” Gohmert said. “But you know, Dana, there are secrets on every military ship we have … that has no business being in the hands of the Iranians.”

This really comes as no shock considering the history of this administration. Is the lack of leadership complete incompetence, cowardliness or even intentional? Obama has made a huge mistake with his Iran nuclear deal and this latest incident shows he really doesn't have a clue about what he is doing.

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