Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Islamic Scholar: Muslims Annoyed by Support for Trump


"He exploits attacks on Islam in order to gain access to power.”


According to a report in PT, a leading Islamic scholar claims that Muslims are "annoyed" by the amount of support GOP presidential contender Donald Trump is receiving because, after all, he is an anti-Muslim bigot.  
Ali Qara Daghi, Secretary-General of the Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), told media late Wednesday that Trump was also using “attacks on Islam” to try and secure his bid for the White House.
“This is really annoying us so much that he has these levels of support,” he said.
“We do not want this for the American people or America, which was founded on democracy, freedom and pluralism.
“His remarks are not consistent with common sense or moral values because he is not honest and exploits attacks on Islam in order to gain access to power,” Qara Daghi added.
The IUMS is an influential but controversial organisation based in Doha. It is headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, considered a spiritual guide to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, who were ousted from power in the North African country in 2013 and later blacklisted.
See, when a Muslim Brotherhood front group targets someone, that's a good indication the target might be on the right track. 

The issue is that many American lawmakers, media outlets and pundits feel precisely the same about Trump's comments on Islam. Whether one supports Trump or not, it is simply untrue that he vilified all Muslims. Rather, he has made comments about them that, while not politically correct, are largely true or fair. 

He has said that he thinks "Islam hates us," which is not an unreasonable statement given the root of Anti-Western sentiment that lies within Islam.

Following the San Bernardino terror attack last December, and in light of an incoming wave of refugees hailing from ISIS strongholds, Trump also stated that if it were up to him he would temporarily ban Muslim immigration "until we can figure this out."

This is a far cry from how his detractors represent the statement.

While helping people in need speaks to our American values, and judging people based on their religious beliefs contradicts them, it is likewise completely lawful to ban immigration by anyone from anywhere at anytime. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the one thing many seem to keep forgetting is that the primary role of government is to keep its own citizens safe first and foremost. 

Again, there is a tendency lately to condemn statements -- any statement, even those that have merit -- simply because they come from Trump. And that, in itself, is "annoying."
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.


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