Friday, August 5, 2016

Wikileaks Just Dropped An Email Grenade Right In Hillary’s Lap… She’s Finished


In a recent interview, Julian Assange sat with ITV to discuss the next release of evidence against Hillary. This time, the goal is to ensure that Hillary will be arrested for her carelessness. 

 Wikileaks has published 30,322 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server, spanning over 4 years from June 2010 to August 2014. Assange did not say much about the content of the emails, though he did confirm the group had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”
The emails in the process of being released have various information involving not only her time as Secretary of State but also about the Clinton Foundation. One piece of information, reporters are told, specifies that Hillary ordered a staffer to remove classification settings on an official email from the State Department.

She then reportedly instructed the staffer to send the document through an unsecured email. 

“Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not going to indict Hillary Clinton,” an ITV reporter commented. “It’s not possible that could happen. But the FBI could push for new concessions from the Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment.”

What do you think of these reports? 

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